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Chapter History

Restore Chapter level updates to a previous save point

Will Matysik avatar
Written by Will Matysik
Updated over 2 weeks ago


Chapter History will give you access to any previously saved version of your Chapter. There are options for filtering by User and Time, especially useful if your Chapter has been updated frequently.

Navigate to the top toolbar and select the "Chapter" drop-down. From there, you will be able to see the "Chapter History" option.

A new menu will now appear. To access previous versions of the chapter, use the left menu. You can then restore to a previous version if desired.

You can also preview the differences in the chapter once it fully loads. After finding the version you want, click the "Restore Version" button and your chapter will update.

NOTE: Slide history versioning started being recording late 2022. There is a potential your DIGIDECK doesn't have any current version records on any slides. But on slide update, you should then begin to see the record.

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