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Invite a New User

How to add a new user to your DIGIDECK organization.

Will Matysik avatar
Written by Will Matysik
Updated over 9 months ago

User Management Overview

As an admin of your organization, you can access the user management tab to add, deleted, and edit user permissions.

Locating the Users tabย 

The Users tab is located at the Decks level of your DIGIDECK organization.

screenshot of the a Deck level view of an organization

Tip: If you are at the Presentation list view of your DIGIDECK, you can navigate to Decks or Users by clicking the down arrow next to the Deck name

Users View

  • Total number of licenses assigned compared to max licenses to assign

    • Licenses assigned includes both registered users and invitations sent

  • List of registered users

List of sent invitations where the user has not yet registered

Inviting a New User

How to Invite Users to your Organization:

  1. Click the Users tab

    • Navigate to the Deck level and clock on the Users tab

  2. Click the Invite Users button

    • Locate the Invite Users button on the top right side of your window and click it.

    • This action will open the Invite Users pop-up window

  3. Enter User Information

    • In the pop-up window, enter the email addresses of the new users

    • Set initial role for the new users based on the settings and deck(s) you want them to access

  4. Send Invite(s)

    1. After filling out the email address(es) and role information, select the Send Invitations button

Tip: You can send multiple invitations at once by adding a comma and space between each email address. When sending multiple invitations at once, each user must have the same role.


Why is the Create User button greyed out?


When I click the Invite Users button, I receive an error message stating "Maximum Users. You are currently at your max number of users."

This happens when you've reached your maximum number of licensed users. You can either remove a registered user to free up a license, or purchase more licenses.

To purchase additional licenses, please reach out to our team at and let us know how many additional licenses you are looking to add.

screenshot with the Invite Users button highlighted in green

screenshot of the Invite User Pop-up window

screenshot of how to format the email addresses when sending multiple invitations at once

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