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Change Presentation Ownership

How to change presentation ownership as a Deck Admin

Tony Brueske avatar
Written by Tony Brueske
Updated over a year ago

As a DIGIDECK Deck or Organization admin access is available to reassign ownership of presentations. This can be used for changing ownership when the user no longer exists or when using DIGIDECK LIVE to present.

Ownership can only be changed on a presentation-by-presentation basis. Once ownership is changed the old and new users will be notified via email.

Step 1: Navigate to the presentation that you want to update and then click the ellipses on the right side of this box. You should see something similar to the option below.

Step 2: Click "Change Presentation Owner" on the top of the new options box. A new menu will appear where you can update the user.

Step 3: Select from your list of current users to who you would like to transfer ownership. From there, you can save this setting and the presentation will be updated.

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