Okta Integration

Integrate Okta SSO with the DIGIDECK using SAML

Jesse Daniels avatar
Written by Jesse Daniels
Updated over a week ago

Create Okta App

Go to the Applications tab and click “Create App Integration”

Choose These settings:

Platform: Web
Sign-on Method: SAML 2.0

Click “Next”


Give the app a great name: “DIGIDECK”

Click “Next”

General Settings

Set these general settings:

Single sign-on URL - this will be the ACS URL for the DIGIDECK webapi. It will look something like this:

If you don't know what your subdomain is, please contact support. The subdomain is in the metadata URL which is available in your Organization Integration tab:

Audience URL: set to “Sportsdigita.com”

Application username: set to “email”

Advanced Settings

Click on “Show Advanced Settings”

Response: set to “Unsigned”

Assertion Encryption: set to “Encrypted”

Encryption Certificate: upload this certificate: https://cdn.platform.sportsdigita.com/SAMLPublicEncryption-prod.crt

Attribute Settings

You will need 3 attributes set in your SAML response:

  • Email: user.email

  • FirstName: user.firstname

  • LastName: user.lastname

The name needs to be spelled exactly as above.

Click “Next”

Set 3

Are you a customer or a partner: Select “I’m an Okta customer adding an internal app”

App type: check “This is an internal app that we have created”

Click “Finish”

Sign On Tab

Now that the app is set up, we’ll need to set up the DIGIDECK. In the Sign On Tab, click on the “Identity Provider metadata” Link

This will open a URL with XML that will be needed to be given to DIGIDECK.

Once this is done, you’re ready to go!

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