Reasons to Use:
Don't want to recreate content
Keep the audience in one platform
Examples: game schedules, surveys, maps, contact us form, Vimeo
Tips + Tricks:
To access this component, click "See More" in the Interactive section of the Component store or search "iframe."
Not all websites can be iframed into a slide. the X-Frame Options in the website's settings need to be ALLOW-FROM.
Iframe and PDFs:
You can use an Iframe component to display a PDF that has already been uploaded to the web by simply pasting in the PDF URL to the iFrame component.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you use this method, the viewer's chosen web browser is what displays the PDF within the slide, and each browser can handle that experience differently depending on how the user has configured their computer. This is not controlled by your DIGIDECK settings.
For example, some users will have installed the Adobe Acrobat plug-in for the Chrome web browser, in which case you will get the Adobe web-view user experience which is not controlled by DIGIDECK nor Chrome, but rather by Adobe. Other users might use a Safari browser with no Adobe plug-in installed, which will have a different PDF viewing experience controlled by Apple.