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PDF Display Component

This article covers how to use the DIGIDECK PDF Display Component.

Sportsdigita Support avatar
Written by Sportsdigita Support
Updated over 10 months ago

DIGIDECK's PDF Display Component allows you to embed and display a PDF Document directly from your presentation.

NOTE: The PDF Display component does not use the viewer's web browser to display the PDF within the slide. Instead, the experience is controlled by DIGIDECK and therefore you can determine if, for example, the viewer should have access to download the PDF or whether it should be view-only for them.

This method is typically recommended whenever possible, because you have much more control over the viewer experience, regardless of what web browser technology they may be using.

Adding a PDF Display Component to Your Slide

Step 1:

Navigate to Layout Mode within the slide you're working on.

Step 2:

Access the Component Store on the top left by clicking the "+" button. From there, search for and add the PDF Display Component to your slide.

Step 3:

Once the component is added, you can drag and drop to fit within your slide. You can also resize using the sliders.

Step 4:

Click Save on top and navigate back into "Edit" mode on the bottom. This will allow you to upload and add the PDF to this specific slide.

You can either upload a new document into your library or select a previously uploaded document.

​The PDF display will only show screenshot images of the PDF and not the actual PDF file. This will allow viewers that are not able to see PDF files on their device to see a preview of the actual file.
​You can allow presentation recipients to download the actual PDF if desired.

Once uploaded, click the "Settings" gear icon on the PDF then enable the "Download PDF" option.

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