Image with Label Component

This article covers how to use the "Image with Label" Component within DIGIDECK.

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Written by Sportsdigita Support
Updated over a week ago

The "Image with Label" component within DIGIDECK allows you to create a spot on your slide that allows for uploading an image with a label. This label can be used to describe the image or name it. Below are the steps to create this component and all the settings that can be edited to use it.

Step 1:

Navigate to the slide that you are editing. On the bottom left corner, make sure you are in "Layout Mode" and then click the "+" button on the top left to add a new component.

Step 2:

In the Component Store popup, use the search bar and type "image with label" component, select the component to add to your slide and presentation.

Step 3:

Once the component is added, you can then click the settings option in the top left (if you are still in Layout Mode) or the gear icon if you are in Edit Mode.

From here, you can upload an image you want to use and adjust the label settings to your liking. You can either hide the label with a toggle, select the background color, and position the label in a certain location.

Step 4:

Navigate into "Edit Mode" if you are not already there, and click on the text box. A word processing menu should pop up and then you can edit the text within the label. This allows you to type what you want into the box and change the color, size, and formatting of the text.

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