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Layout Manager

Create Slides by adding, re-sizing, and positioning Components.

Tony Brueske avatar
Written by Tony Brueske
Updated over 12 months ago

Layout Manager is a feature that allows for Web Components (Components) to be customized on a slide. These web components are accessed from the DIGIDECK's Component Store and can be added to any area of a Master Deck or Presentation.

General Overview

Advanced Information - Additional Articles

Edit Mode & Layout Mode

While Editing in the DIGIDECK there are now two Modes to Edit in.

Edit Mode

Edit Mode is an updated version of editing that has always existed in DIGIDECK. Use this mode to edit and save content on a slide. Text, Image, Video, and Custom Content should be edited here. This is the only mode Basic User accounts will be allowed unless specified.

Layout Mode

Layout Mode is the new mode introduced with Layout Manager. The main purpose of this mode is to edit the Layout of Slides, Chapters, and Main Menus.

Think of Edit vs Layout as; Edit mode is for Editing Slide Content. Layout mode is for Editing the Size and Position of these content Areas.

Layout Interface Introduction

Below is a general explanation of DIGIDECK's Layout Manager toolbars.

Edit Mode & Layout Mode Toggle

Toggle between Edit and Layout Modes to edit DIGIDECK or Presentation.


Add a component to the Slide. To add a component to another Layer directly, use the Layers Panel


The Layers Panel allows users to add components to a slide as well as different Layers of the DIGIDECK.


An advanced panel to adjust the size and position of a selected component more specifically.

Desktop & Mobile Selector

Toggle buttons to set how a slide should display on Desktop and Mobile.

Chapter Margins

Adjust the margins on the entire chapter which shifts the components depending on the value entered.

Working with Components

To start working in Layout Mode, Add a Component from the Component Store:

Select which Component to Add this example will use the Rich Text Component.

The Component will be added to the Slide. Drag the Component to position and Resize, then Save the Slide. You can use the corners to do this.

You can also spin/rotate any component by using the option on top of it as shown below.

From here the Slide is either ready to edit or more components can be added.

Read more about advanced things Layout Mode can do:

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